SERVICE AREA INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO... Albion Augusta Auburn Bangor Belgrade Belgrade Lakes Bowdoin Bowdoinham Bruinswick Burnham Castle Hill Caribou Canaan Cape Elizabeth Chelsea China Clinton Cornville Cumberland Detroit Dresden Durham Fairfield Farmingdale Fayette Farmington Falmouth Freeport Gardiner Gray Greene Hallowell Hartland Kents Hill Lewiston Lisbon Madison Manchester Monmouth Mount Vernon Newport New Gloucester Norridgewock Oakland Palermo Poland Portland Pittston Pittsfield Readfield Richmond Rome Sidney South Portland Skowhegan Somerville Smithfield St Albans TroyUnity Vassalboro Vienna Waterville Wayne Westbrook Whitefield Windsor Winslow Windham Winthrop WIlton
(207) 861-1227
for fastest

First of all because buying a home can quite possibly be the single largest investment in your lifetime before making this purchase you should be positive that you have the right inspection of the property made first to be as well informed as possible. This is why you should have a complete property inspection by AnnRuel Home Inspections. With Our experience of thousands of insurance inspections; training from the international association of Home inspectors, Rutgers University, Mueller Reports of New York, Southern Maine Community College as well as Spruce Environmental . Beyond the basic home inspection education we are a certified Mold inspector, certified by the Indoor air council and a member of the Maine indoor Air quality Council in Augusta.
Added free with every inspection We perform a thermal image inspection that we gained training for in a Thermal Image and Building Science Certification course.(Please Note there are some who may have the camera but have no certified class time behind them to show if they know how to use it properly) We know what your insurance company wants to see and what safety issues and property protection issues need to be addressed to protect you, your family and your investment. The proper inspection will save you thousands of dollars and should educate you on issues that every home owner needs to know as well as knowing what insurance adjusters are looking at when adjusting your rates can often save you more than the cost of the inspection in just the first year alone. You can be assured that Jim MacNaughton of AnnRuel home inspections has the expertise of years of experience and the educated Accuracy he has obtained with his long education background teamed with his genuine caring about his clients to perform your home inspection to the highest quality standards.All reports are usually emailed within 48 hours and are between 40 to 90 pages long. In 2016 we went back to school to obtain a state of Maine Septic Inspector License so that you could get everything done under one roof, making the inspections and their booking time go smoothly. We also purchased a septic camera that can even check out your septic lines that run to city sewers so that you do not have any costly surprises with your new home. We are main'e best home Inspector
We love what we do because it is helping people not only at the inspection but many times months after when a home buyer may have a question about their home and how to deal with an issue they may not understand. One time I had a call from a client six months after the inspection because they thought they might need a water heater because they decided they wanted the water hotter. They honestly did not know that they could adjust the temperature on the hot water heater since they were a first time home owner and never owned a hot water heater before. Another time a southerner who just bought their first summer camp in Maine called after a few months because they heard their first loon and thought there was a monster in the woods by their lake home. If you never heard the call of a loon before I guess it could be pretty scary and I am very glad they felt comfortable to call me and ask for advice on how to deal with it. I stand behind my inspection reports and usually have about 50 or more photos at least in every report to best show what I may be trying to explain. One home buyer recently was surprised when I checked out the kitchen appliances with a radiation detector on the microwave and an anemometer to check out the stove hood as well as checking the seals and temperature of the stove and refrigerator. Yes kitchen appliances are included with an AnnRuel Home Inspection
Mid Maine Chamber of Commerce
Disclaimer: Thermal imaging can help reduce your risks of hidden issues by as much as 75% but nothing is 100%. Remember a home Inspection is to greatly limit your risk and can not be expected to remove all risk. Some times issues can not be detected at time of inspection and sometimes sellers will deliberately hide issues. It is like jumping out of a plane with a parachute.
The parashute does not mean that you have a 100% chance of survival but you sure have a lot better chances with the parachute then without one. That is what getting a home inspection is like

If you are selling or buying a manufactured home, then most likely a foundation certification will be required. For all FHA and VA loans, an engineer's foundation certification is required that states that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the "HUD Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Homes", dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or FHA .
We have partnered with foundation engineers to offer you this service with a fast turn around that can be with a home and septic inspection or stand alone Service. Call today for details
Manufactured Home Foundation Certifications
11 Church Street Oakland, Maine 04963
Located at 11 Church Street Oakland Maine 04963
Where customer service goes on after the inspection
With years of experience and hundreds of commercial insurance inspections, more importantly the background with full commercial inspections all over the state of Maine,I know not only what to check but also what your insurance will look for.
Commercial Inspections
Maine's Best Home & Commercial Property Inspection Company
Call Today ! (207) 861-1227
One of Maine's oldest and most reliable Inspection
firms11 Church Street Oakland Maine 04963
AnnRuel Home Inspections is an InterNACHI® Training Partner. InterNACHI® School ( is the
only accredited home inspector college that provides free classes to members
Before placing your home on the market you should get a pre-listing inspection.This is where a home inspector will find out what issues may exist due to the fact that many times after a buyers inspection these items are discovered, when you crunched for time and accept a crazy offer to cover repairs
I am IAC2 Certified and a member of the Maine indoor Air Quality council.
Air QualityTesting
I am a State of Maine Licensed septic inspector.
Also an internachi certified septic inspector
And a member of the Nation Assoc of Wastewater Techs
Septic Inspections